Red Hot Chili Peppers— “Return of the Dream Canteen” Album
RS660 Compressor (vocals entire album), TG2 Pre Amp/DI, REDD.47 Mic [...]
RS660 Compressor (vocals entire album), TG2 Pre Amp/DI, REDD.47 Mic [...]
RS660 Compressor (vocals entire album), TG2 Pre Amp/DI, REDD.47 Mic [...]
TG1 Limiter, TG2 Pre Amp/DI (Drums, Piano). Engineer Steve Orchard
Album - TG2 Pre Amp/DI, RS124 Compressor, REDD.47 Mic Amplifier, [...]
Album - TG2 Pre Amp/DI, LTD-1 EQ/Pre Amp
Vocals - TG2 Pre Amp/Di
TG2, TG1, Curve Bender, Zener Limiter, Germanium compressor
TG2, TG1, Zener Limiter, Germanium Compressor, Curve Bender (Joe Chiccarelli)
Vocals - TG2 Pre Amp/DI
Vocals: LTD-1 EQ/Pre Amp, Guitars: TG2 Pre Amp/DI, Drums: Mix of TG2 [...]
TG Channel MK II, TG2 Pre Amp/DI, Germanium Pre, and [...]
TG1 Limiter, TG2 Pre Amp/DI